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Nurturing Imaginative Minds - Childhood Development & Learning Centre

Navigating the unique idiosyncrasies of children with neurodiverse needs are known to provide challenges and hardships for caregivers and families due to increased needs and a lack of support accessible in Australia. For my project, I aim to design a learning environment that focuses on stimulating imaginative play for neurodivergent children to develop their fine motor, cognitive, language and social skills. My target market is families of neurodivergent children aged between 3-6 who seek affordable and effective interventions to improve the quality of life of their unique minds by promoting healthy and happy futures for all children.

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UpRising @ 2024.05.11 8:47 AM

A fantastic concept BirdT. How can we help?. If you can provide two or three things that are of high priority for you, we will be able to assist you in the develop of your project better. 

Looking forward to seeing your project evolve. 

Matt @ Equal Experts @ 2024.05.22 7:45 AM
Great concept, as someone who was diagnosed as Neurodivergent at the age of 9 these initatives would have been a great aid in my schooling experience! Let me know if i can help at all, I was diagnosed ADHD and struggled significantly in the traditional primary schooling system. Only once i reached senior school and could align my subject choices to my strengths did i find a true love for learning.

My mother is also a qualified special needs practitioner/assessor for primary aged children, if you would like to run any of your thoughts by her, i would be happy to connect you for some industry feedback.

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