Mycelium single use lid
My project is for a biodegradable single use lid made from mycelium. Current single use lids, even paper lids contain plastic that is harmful to the environment since it will never break down. Additionally most plastic lids are never recycled since they are so small and often contain food contaminants.
20 February 2025 by George Alexan...
Cultural transmission and red envelope revitalisation
As a Chinese-Australian second-generation immigrant I have often faced difficulties connecting and familiarising myself with my heritage and family.My project aims to solve this through a functional redesign of the red envelope - an Asian cultural staple - combatting its associated disposability to encourage cultural transmission across generations.This will be accomplished through striking contemporary design (visual and functional) that can appeal to both traditional and modern, young audiences.I'm seeking the help of graphics and communications design professionals and physical packaging designers for my project.
18 February 2025 by JoshM